Online resources for topics covered in Small Science chapters
Direct online video and other links corresponding to various topics covered in chapters of Small Science
A few short, good ways for a teacher to prepare for a Small Science class:
1. Perform the activities yourself, write down all possible ideas that come to mind and also fill up the responses.
2. Anticipate all possible children’s responses. Identify some worthy responses to which you can steer the discussion.
3. Arrange all the resources required for the activity beforehand.
4. Carefully design the learning process, so that children know at all stages what new thing they learnt
Inspired teachers have tried to present topics in original, innovative ways. It may be a learning experience to see what they have done. At the same time, we must take care not to try and imitate, teaching these directly the way they have been presented. We should challenge ourselves to transform what we learn from other sources and adapt to our own cultural needs, and personal teaching styles.
In this spirit, just as a reference, we have compiled a list of online videos which may help you to prepare for your next Small Science class. Links are given corresponding to specific topic covered in each Small Science chapter. Arvind Gupta collection of activities and artifacts form a prominent part of this compilation.
Online resources for Classes 1 & 2
We hope our teachers come up with even better ideas and styles to teach these topics.
Write to us, if you have good ideas as to how to teach each of these Small Science topics. We may put these up on website to be shared with other Small Science teachers in India.