Author: Namrata Sonavane

Bat Hearing Puzzle 0

Bat Hearing Puzzle

Bat Hearing Puzzle Do you know that: Bats do not respond to frequency below 10, 000 Hz but we find that their ears have the capability to do so. Let us put our heads...

Tiger Moths and Bats 0

Tiger Moths and Bats

Image source : Tiger Moths and Bats Tiger Moth is an insect prey which is able to hear their echo-location calls , makes a click of its own and can trick them !...


How bats fly ?

How do bats fly ? Look at the skeleton of a bat, given on the right.      Notice how similar it is to our own skeleton. They have the same number of fingers as...


Introduction to Bats

Introduction to Bats Have you ever seen a bat during the daytime? Chances are your answer would be “No”. They are active only at night. What do they do during the daytime? Can’t they...

Scribbling Waves 0

Scribbling Waves

Scribbling Waves How do you draw a water wave? Like this : Let us find out what do we call the different parts of the wave : The topmost points are called peaks and...

How we produce and hear sounds ? 0

How we produce and hear sounds ?

How we produce and hear sounds ? Have you ever heard your echo ? What happens when you shout in a big hall or a closed room ? You hear your own voice after...