Al Qamar Academy report that they are going strong with Small Science and children continue to love it.
Small Science, it seems, is getting older and now we have students even in college who have grown up learning it the SS way! It is always a big question for us as to how our students are faring in the higher classes, competitions and colleges, not to mention personal academic interests. And till now, we have had good feedback.
The first batch of Small Science students at Al Qamar Academy have gone on to Classes 6 & 7. The inquiry based approach continues to guide their learning in these classes, thanks to uncompromising stance of the teachers with regards to quality of learning.
And yes, in the recent Science fair, a Class 4 kid presented a project on “weight of school bags”! (Talk about being topical and relevant!) Another student presented a project on effectiveness of aloe-vera for getting rid of lice. The teacher admits their set-ups and interpretation skills are not perfect at this stage, but they are “getting their stuff done” independently, which is indeed great!
Check out!

Cool! A spinner!
Al Qamar students doing activities related to “Properties of Air”

Floating stone and sunken balloon
Al Qamar students doing activities related to “Properties of Water”

Seeing water birds
Al Qamar students doing activities related to “Water and Life”
Thanks Aneesa, it makes it all worthwhile! Keep us posted — Small Science Team